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Why networking is not working for you?

Networking is NOT about quantity - it is about quality. You can have thousands of followers and no benefit from any. Surely, if you are selling a product or service maybe a large database will help you; it is a numbers game after all. That is a different conversation.

When we are talking about creating authentic relationships, it is about quality - you cannot have strong ties with many people. It is unrealistic to sustain. A big mistake many people make is that they look at networking as a quick win to get something they want immediately. Don’t think short term, think long term. People refer people they like, they trust and they know. Networking should be organic and genuine. Just as in your personal life, not everyone you meet will like you and vice versa. The goal is not to connect with everyone, the goal is to connect with those with whom you have common interests or areas of work, those you can get along with, those you can genuinely build a relationship with. Do not force connections. Keep it simple, keep it human. 

We know that people refer others they know, like, and trust - and that is difficult to create and maintain, and almost impossible with large numbers. Instead, focus on quality - and making sure the right people know you have to offer. 

Who are those right people? Well, that depends on your goals and future aspirations. Just as in business, you need to define your audience.

Sometimes, you can have 10 great relationships that will drive your career, business, and future further than 10K of followers ever could. Choose wisely. Focus on quality - that is ADDING and CREATING value first and foremost. Networking is about giving, more than taking. If you think it is not, you are doing it wrong. You are welcome.

Action: connect with at least one new person each day (via LinkedIn -with a personal note, or via event, referrals/friends' introductions, etc. AND re-connect with an existing contact perhaps you have been out of touch with daily (until you re-connect with all those you would like to continue building a relationship with). 

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