
Shift with Me

2021-01-02 01:00

In recent years (aka adulting years) I have began to fully take charge of my own development, to find ways to be better every day. I push myself outside of my comfort zone on weekly basis in what I do, where I go, what I learn, what I try (mostly it has to do with new foods or sports - what a contradictory statement), people I meet (LunchClub has been amazing for me in this), etc. My aim is to shift myself in various aspects of ... well myself: shift my mindset, shift my perspective, my mind and body (ah the continuous journey!), shift towards new things and people, and just overall shift myself towards the future I aspire to. We don't know what we don't know and it is by expanding our experiences that we shift. 

And, this idea came about... if you know me or have followed my posts long enough, you know I am all about experimenting with new content, new products and services for the business (along with my partner in crime aka business partner), and just trying different things that I think are fun and add value to my circle - so thanks for being here! 

Although I have a book by my bed for daily indulgence (currently reading Homo deus - must read!), weekends are special for me, because every Friday for me is devoted to spending 2-3 hours reading or listening to various selected posts online, either from people I follow - such as Tim Ferriss, Dan Schawbel, Brene Brown, Lewis Howes, Seth Godin, Dax Shepard, Mark Metry, Gary Vee, Suze Orman, Andrew Huberman, and many others - or publications - HBR, Future of Work Reports (I nerd out on these! I get too excited about the future of work and education), BCG & McKinsey reports, and many others - or via bookmarks of interesting reads I come across during the week from LinkedIn and other platforms. (Do you have weekend rituals devoted to learning? If yes, share with me!)

I thought it would be a cool idea to start sharing with you 3 of my favorite highlights of things I learn each week with full links to the readings. Why? Because WHY NOT? I love to share and create content, and hopefully get you just as excited about these shifts as I am! 

100 tips for a better life - loved this article!  full read here.
A beautiful read and reminder for us all to just be a bit more mindful about different things in life - how to be a bit more productive, what to care about and what to ignore, tips for every day things.  

So many gems in this read, but here are two of the ones that stood out for me today:

17. Done is better than perfect. I am very much a doer. I am far from a  perfection (thank God for my business partner who loves details and spreadsheets!). In all honesty, I used to feel bad 
50. Remember that you are dying. - scary, right? Or is it inspiring? I think it is inspiring me to live more fully each day! What a great, in our face reminder that indeed we are dying - we will never get today back, that's it, it is gone! And, we are not even promised tomorrow. I think that creates a certain urgency in our lives to actually... well live! I am not saying drop what you are doing and go pursue your passion, find a new life, or go bananas, but if you think about it, our time is limited.  How are you spending yours? 

How to become forever employable? full read here.
Absolutely loved this read. This HBR article discusses how can we maintain our relevancy as the world of work is moving faster each day it feels like. How do you stand out? What does it take to succeed in the overwhelming competitive world of work?

I can definitely relate to the entrepreneurial part and it makes sense to approach your career as your own business. Here is a quote from the reading that I think encourages us all to shift our career strategy towards a business one and purely how I approach my career and business:
"This is your life, your business, your employment. And so, you’ve got to think about this challenge like an entrepreneur. Who is my target audience? What problems can I help them solve? What’s the most effective way for me to provide my service to them? These questions start you down the path of building a “startup” centered around yourself"

How are you strategically expanding your career tool box to make sure you are forever employable anytime anywhere? 

How to be more present in our lives? full read here.
Ah, this one really hit home for me. 'How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. '

I tend to be a workaholic - by choice. I love what I do. I don't even consider it work, that is the dangerous part. I can spend hours and days creating new content, working on Bessern and Bloom Youth products and services, discussing strategy with my business partner, doing BD, marketing, etc. that our daily business operations require. It is literally fun for me. I must admit - this year I am learning to be more present in my relationships - starting with friends and family, while still giving my babies (aka my businesses) the attention they need.  What are some things you want to be more present for? How do you create quality time for loved ones? Asking for a friend.  

Which of the 3 stood out the most for you today? What are you reading these days?

Feel free to schedule a chat with me. I am always eager to meet new people and reconnect with contacts! Book with my Calendly 

'See you' next weekend! 
